Cement Plant Automation System


Cimenterie Nationale


Plant Automation System


February 2019


Cement Production Plants usually occupy a large land surface.
They have multiple entrances and exits in different sectors i.e.: Main plant area, Trucks Parking, Quarry…
These plants have a significant amount of circulating vehicles at all times which could generate traffic.


In addition to traffic, there are numerous issues that arise when delivering cement products to clients and transporters. Each plant has Loading Bays, which are used to load trucks with cement products. There are three types of loading bays: Bulk Loading Bays, Packs Automated Loading Bays, and Packs Manual Loading Bays. These bays can be arranged in parallel or series.
Different types and sizes of trucks transport cement products, and each loading bay can only accommodate certain types of trucks and deliver one type of product at a time. Each truck is given a turn based on its arrival time and proper documentation. Some loading bays are dedicated to specific jobs, such as export by land or export by sea, and each has a priority level.
Loading bays can be out of service for various reasons, and each bay can handle only a certain amount of loads. Managing and controlling the high volume of incoming trucks, which can number more than 1000 per day, is difficult due to various issues such as bottlenecks, delays, traffic jams, idle loading bays, problems with truck drivers and clients, security issues, theft, and statistical issues. These issues add to the already existing problems with incoming materials and internal circulation.

Solution &

The company has implemented a comprehensive system to manage the flow of trucks and materials in and out of their plant. This includes dedicated parking zones, pit stops with long-range RFID antennas and sensors, buffer zones, and a queuing system that automates the entire process. The system is equipped with gate controllers, automatic weighing, silo control, and a smart nozzle system for refueling vehicles. All components are interlinked and controlled by software developed by ACom. The system optimizes operations, reduces waiting times, eliminates errors, fraud, and theft, and provides real-time status updates and statistical data to management.

“When you say Automation, you say Acom!”